The Dimark BRS (baggage reconciliation system) is a complete solution for managing the flow of luggage during aircraft loading and unloading.

The BRS system is designed to improve and speed up the handling of luggage as well as reduce the number of problems related to their handling (lost, thefts, damage etc.) to a minimum. The BRS system operates on the border of several airport systems, correlating data collected from several sources and data generated from airport operations. BRS user has the possibility to analyze and track the full route that the passenger's baggage travels, starting from check-in all the way to the aircraft.
features & benefits
- simplified one page interface
- user groups and rules
- full bag history
- custom BPM messages
- actual and historical flight manifests
- scalability
- multi-user / multi-station architecture
- online / offline work modes
- integration with BIDS as option
- custom BPM messages
- advanced tag scanners
- photo documentation of bags